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 Архив содержит около 2523 статьи по .NET, не вошедшие в offline-версию

 C# / Data Structures

A C# sets class
A class to represent group data type and how to use it in code
A Deque Class in C#
A Dequeue - also called a ring-buffer
A Generic Set Data Structure
A generic Set type for .NET
A Generic Tree Collection
A KeyedList implementation
A LargeListDictionary Implementation
A Priority Queue in C#
A Simple and Generic Cache
A Simple C# Generic CircularList
A simple range structure
A Skip List in C#
A Tree Collection
Add Support for "Set" Collections to .NET
Application of Fraction class: Matrix class in C#
Bidirectional Hashtable
Binary Tree Expression Solver
Bounded Blocking Queue (One Lock)
Build Stack Array for Formatting or Searching Data
Circular Buffer
Converting Hexadecimal String to/from Byte Array in C#
Counting Semaphore (Dijkstra) in C#
Creating a treemap with C# 2.0
Data Structures : Part 1 - Singly Linked Lists
DotNetMatrix - Simple Matrix library for .NET
Doubly-Linked List Implementation
Efficient Matrix Programming in C#
Fraction class in C#
Fraction Numbers
Generic collections extended from Iesi.Collections
Generic Keyed List
Generic Tree Container in C# 2.0
Generic Tree in C#
Hashlist - Hashtable meets ArrayList
Hashtable becomes serialized
Implementing a PropertyBag in C#
Implements a Sorted List using Insertion Sort
Most Recently Used (MRU) hashtable (LRU expiration)
Object factories as a flexible data source
PATRICIA trie implementation
Persistent Data Structures
Priority queue
RangeSet: A Low-Memory Set Data Structure for Integers
Red-Black Trees in C#
RtwMatrix Class
SearchList: a quick sorted list, implemented using .NET Generics
Squarified Treemaps in XAML & C# using Microsoft Longhorn
Treaps in C#
Use PriorityQueue to fire timed repeatable events
Yet Another C# set class